I got:
4 Venus razors
5 Toothpaste
12 pack of toilet paper
4 Toothbrushes
3 Herbal Essense Products
2 pack of gummy bears
20 pack of batteries
Those Venus razors were 3.00 each. 2 weeks ago I bought a Venus razor at Walmart for 10 bucks and i'm so regretting it!
So If anyone wants to join me let me know!
I started by subscribing for 5 Sunday newspapers a week from savvyshopperdeals.com. It is the best deal out there. I pay 18.50 a month. That is less than a dollar per newspaper. I got me a zip up binder with those baseball plastic holders to hold and organize all the coupons. It takes a couple hours a day organizing, cutting and figuring out your shopping trip, but it is so worth it! I think it is the hardest when your first starting out. My fellow coupon ladies tell me it gets easier and easier each week you are doing it! I cant wait to have a huge stock pile of groceries and hygiene stuff! My goal is to have a years worth. I just wish I had started this years ago!